Naikan is a Japanese word meaning “seeing oneself with the mind’s eye."
Though developed in the 1940s, Naikan therapy is still very relevant today as it is a simple way to practice self-reflection and introspection. To try it, ask yourself these three questions:
1. What have I received from ____ ?
2. What have I given to ___?
3. What troubles and difficulties have I caused?
By asking these questions about various aspects of your life (such as your relationships with others, work or projects, the environments in which you live, and difficult situations you have encountered) you can better learn about yourself, your strengths, and potential changes.
Self-reflection can be a helpful tool in exploring your overall health and wellbeing. More specifically, self-reflection can lead to powerful insights about parts of your life that are satisfying and fulfilling to you, as well as those that aren't. Reflecting on your challenges, successes, and memories is a natural part of the human experience, and when you can truly explore and accept the reality of your place in your world, you can embrace the possibility of growth and change.
Ask your therapist how you can improve your skills for self-reflection or inquire with the Skyline team about beginning a new course of therapy - your journey toward a better, more insightful self can begin as soon as you are ready!